import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import dijkstra
def xy_to_flatten_idx(array, x, y):
M, N = array.shape
return x * N + y
def flatten_idx_to_xy(array, idx):
M, N = array.shape
x = idx // N
y = idx % N
return np.array([x, y])
def make_graph(impassable_array, motions):
M, N = impassable_array.shape
free_idx = np.stack(np.where(np.logical_not(impassable_array)), axis=1)
row = []
col = []
for idx in free_idx:
node_idx = xy_to_flatten_idx(impassable_array, idx[0], idx[1])
for motion in motions:
next_idx = [idx[0] + motion[0], idx[1] + motion[1]]
if (
next_idx[0] >= 0
and next_idx[0] < M
and next_idx[1] >= 0
and next_idx[1] < N
) and not impassable_array[next_idx[0], next_idx[1]]:
xy_to_flatten_idx(impassable_array, next_idx[0], next_idx[1])
data = [1] * len(row)
graph = csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(M * N, M * N))
return graph
def get_actions(impassable_array, motions, predecessors, start_idx, goal_idx):
start_idx = xy_to_flatten_idx(impassable_array, *start_idx)
goal_idx = xy_to_flatten_idx(impassable_array, *goal_idx)
actions = []
while goal_idx != start_idx:
if predecessors[goal_idx] == -9999:
return None
action = flatten_idx_to_xy(impassable_array, goal_idx) - flatten_idx_to_xy(
impassable_array, predecessors[goal_idx]
for i, motion in enumerate(motions):
if np.allclose(action, motion):
action_idx = i
goal_idx = predecessors[goal_idx]
return actions[::-1]
[docs]def maze_dijkstra_solver(impassable_array, motions, start_idx, goal_idx):
Solves a maze using Dijkstra's algorithm.
:param impassable_array: Array representing impassable cells in the maze.
:type impassable_array: array_like
:param motions: List of possible motions in the maze.
:type motions: array_like
:param start_idx: Initial position of the agent (x, y).
:type start_idx: tuple
:param goal_idx: Position of the goal cell (x, y).
:type goal_idx: tuple
:return: List of actions to reach the goal from the start position.
:rtype: list
>>> import gymnasium as gym
>>> env = gym.make("maze_world:RandomMaze-11x11-v0")
>>> observation, info = env.reset(seed=0, options={})
>>> episode_score = 0.0
>>> optimal_actions = maze_dijkstra_solver(
>>> env.unwrapped.maze_map.astype(bool),
>>> env.unwrapped._action_to_direction.values(),
>>> info["agent"],
>>> info["target"],
>>> )
>>> for action in optimal_actions:
>>> observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
>>> episode_score += reward
>>> if terminated or truncated:
>>> break
>>> env.close()
>>> print("Success" if all(info["agent"] == info["target"]) else "Failure")
impassable_array = np.asarray(impassable_array)
assert impassable_array.dtype == bool
graph = make_graph(impassable_array, motions)
dist_matrix, predecessors = dijkstra(
indices=xy_to_flatten_idx(impassable_array, *start_idx),
actions = get_actions(impassable_array, motions, predecessors, start_idx, goal_idx)
return actions