Source code for maze_world.utils.generate_maze

import random
import time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class WilsonMazeGenerator: """ Maze Generator utilizing Wilson's Loop Erased Random Walk Algorithm. Source: """
[docs] def __init__(self, height: int, width: int): """ Initializes a maze generator with the specified width and height. :param height: Height of the generated mazes. :type height: int :param width: Width of the generated mazes. :type width: int """ self.width = 2 * (width // 2) + 1 # Make width odd self.height = 2 * (height // 2) + 1 # Make height odd # grid of cells self.grid = [[0 for j in range(self.width)] for i in range(self.height)] # declare instance variable self.visited = [] # visited cells self.unvisited = [] # unvisited cells self.path = dict() # random walk path # valid directions in random walk self.directions = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)] # indicates whether a maze is generated self.generated = False # shortest solution self.solution = [] self.showSolution = False self.start = (0, 0) self.end = (self.height - 1, self.width - 1)
def __str__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the maze grid. :return: String representation of the grid. :rtype: str """ out = "##" * (self.width + 1) + "\n" for i in range(self.height): out += "#" for j in range(self.width): if self.grid[i][j] == 0: out += "##" else: if not self.showSolution: out += " " elif (i, j) in self.solution: out += "**" else: out += " " out += "#\n" return out + "##" * (self.width + 1)
[docs] def get_grid(self): """ Retrieve the maze grid. :return: The maze grid. :rtype: list """ return self.grid
[docs] def get_solution(self): """ Returns the solution to the maze as a list of tuples. :return: The solution to the maze. :rtype: list """ return self.solution
[docs] def show_solution(self, show): """ Sets whether the __str__() method outputs the solution or not. :param show: Boolean value indicating whether to show the solution or not. :type show: bool """ self.showSolution = show
[docs] def generate_maze(self): """ Generates the maze according to the Wilson Loop Erased Random Walk Algorithm. The algorithm works as follows: 1. Reset the grid before generation. 2. Choose the first cell to put in the visited list. 3. Loop until all cells have been visited: a. Choose a random cell to start the walk. b. Loop until the random walk reaches a visited cell. c. Loop until the end of the path is reached: - Add the cell to visited and cut into the maze. - Follow the direction to the next cell. :return: None """ # reset the grid before generation self.__initialize_grid() # choose the first cell to put in the visited list # see Step 1 of the algorithm. current = self.unvisited.pop(random.randint(0, len(self.unvisited) - 1)) self.visited.append(current) self._cut(current) # loop until all cells have been visited while len(self.unvisited) > 0: # choose a random cell to start the walk (Step 2) first = self.unvisited[random.randint(0, len(self.unvisited) - 1)] current = first # loop until the random walk reaches a visited cell while True: # choose direction to walk (Step 3) dirNum = random.randint(0, 3) # check if direction is valid. If not, choose new direction while not self.__is_valid_direction(current, dirNum): dirNum = random.randint(0, 3) # save the cell and direction in the path self.path[current] = dirNum # get the next cell in that direction current = self.__get_next_cell(current, dirNum, 2) if current in self.visited: # visited cell is reached (Step 5) break current = first # go to start of path # loop until the end of path is reached while True: # add cell to visited and cut into the maze self.visited.append(current) self.unvisited.remove(current) # (Step 6.b) self._cut(current) # follow the direction to next cell (Step 6.a) dirNum = self.path[current] crossed = self.__get_next_cell(current, dirNum, 1) self._cut(crossed) # cut crossed edge current = self.__get_next_cell(current, dirNum, 2) if current in self.visited: # end of path is reached self.path = dict() # clear the path break self.generated = True
[docs] def solve_maze(self): """Solves the maze according to the Wilson Loop Erased Random Walk Algorithm :return: None """ # if there is no maze to solve, cut the method if not self.generated: return None # initialize with empty path at starting cell self.path = dict() current = self.start # loop until the ending cell is reached while True: while True: # choose valid direction # must remain in the grid # also must not cross a wall dirNum = random.randint(0, 3) adjacent = self.__get_next_cell(current, dirNum, 1) if self.__is_valid_direction(current, dirNum): hasWall = self.grid[adjacent[0]][adjacent[1]] == 0 if not hasWall: break # add cell and direction to path self.path[current] = dirNum # get next cell current = self.__get_next_cell(current, dirNum, 2) if current == self.end: break # break if ending cell is reached # go to start of path current = self.start self.solution.append(current) # loop until end of path is reached while not (current == self.end): dirNum = self.path[current] # get direction # add adjacent and crossed cells to solution crossed = self.__get_next_cell(current, dirNum, 1) current = self.__get_next_cell(current, dirNum, 2) self.solution.append(crossed) self.solution.append(current) self.path = dict()
## Private Methods ## ## Do Not Use Outside This Class ## def __get_next_cell(self, cell, dirNum, fact): """WilsonMazeGenerator.get_next_cell(tuple,int,int) -> tuple Outputs the next cell when moved a distance fact in the the direction specified by dirNum from the initial cell. cell: tuple (y,x) representing position of initial cell dirNum: int with values 0,1,2,3 fact: int distance to next cell""" dirTup = self.directions[dirNum] return (cell[0] + fact * dirTup[0], cell[1] + fact * dirTup[1]) def __is_valid_direction(self, cell, dirNum): """WilsonMazeGenerator(tuple,int) -> boolean Checks if the adjacent cell in the direction specified by dirNum is within the grid cell: tuple (y,x) representing position of initial cell dirNum: int with values 0,1,2,3""" newCell = self.__get_next_cell(cell, dirNum, 2) tooSmall = newCell[0] < 0 or newCell[1] < 0 tooBig = newCell[0] >= self.height or newCell[1] >= self.width return not (tooSmall or tooBig) def __initialize_grid(self): """ Resets the maze grid to blank before generating a maze. :return: None """ for i in range(self.height): for j in range(self.width): self.grid[i][j] = 0 # fill up unvisited cells for r in range(self.height): for c in range(self.width): if r % 2 == 0 and c % 2 == 0: self.unvisited.append((r, c)) self.visited = [] self.path = dict() self.generated = False def _cut(self, cell): """ Sets the value of the grid at the specified location to 1, indicating a cut. :param tuple cell: A tuple (y, x) representing the location where the cut should occur. :return: None """ self.grid[cell[0]][cell[1]] = 1
if __name__ == "__main__": ########################################################## ## Adjust maze size here! Width and Height must be odd! ## ########################################################## width = 9 ## height = 9 ## ########################################################## fact = 0.06666667 # size of cell # width * fact is width in inches # height * fact is height in inches generator = WilsonMazeGenerator(height, width) generator.generate_maze() print("Maze Generated") fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.tight_layout(pad=0.0) grid = generator.get_grid() # draw border ax.vlines(-1, -1, -height, linewidth=1) ax.vlines(width, 1, -height + 2, linewidth=1) ax.hlines(1, -1, width, linewidth=1) ax.hlines(-height, -1, width, linewidth=1) # draw maze for i in range(height): for j in range(width - 1): if grid[i][j] == 0 and grid[i][j + 1] == 0: ax.hlines(-i, j, j + 1, linewidth=1) for i in range(width): for j in range(height - 1): if grid[j][i] == 0 and grid[j + 1][i] == 0: ax.vlines(i, -j, -(j + 1), linewidth=1) for j in range(width): if grid[0][j] == 0: ax.vlines(j, 1, 0, linewidth=1) if grid[height - 1][j] == 0: ax.vlines(j, -height, -height + 1, linewidth=1) for j in range(height): if grid[j][0] == 0: ax.hlines(-j, -1, 0, linewidth=1) if grid[j][width - 1] == 0: ax.hlines(-j, width, width - 1, linewidth=1) print("Maze Drawn") fig.set_size_inches(width * fact, height * fact) plt.axis("off") idn = str(int(time.time())) # plt.savefig("maze"+idn+".png",bbox_inches="tight",transparent=True) print("Maze Saved as maze" + idn + ".png") # draw solution generator.solve_maze() soln = generator.get_solution() print("Solution Generated") ax.hlines(0, -1, 0, linewidth=1, colors="red") ax.hlines(-height + 1, width - 1, width, linewidth=1, colors="red") for i in range(len(soln) - 1): if soln[i][0] == soln[i + 1][0]: ax.hlines( -soln[i][0], soln[i][1], soln[i + 1][1], linewidth=1, colors="red" ) else: ax.vlines( soln[i][1], -soln[i][0], -soln[i + 1][0], linewidth=1, colors="red" ) print("Solution Drawn") # plt.savefig("maze"+idn+"_answer.png",bbox_inches="tight",transparent=True) print("Solution Saved as maze" + idn + "_answer.png")