Source code for maze_world.envs.random_maze

import numpy as np

from .maze import MazeEnv
from ..utils import WilsonMazeGenerator

[docs]class RandomMazeEnv(MazeEnv): r"""Extends the MazeEnv class to create random mazes of specified sizes at each reset. :example: >>> env = RandomMazeEnv(maze_width=5,maze_height=7) """
[docs] def __init__( self, render_mode: str = None, maze_width: int = 11, maze_height: int = 11, ): r""" :param render_mode: Specify one of the following: - None (default): No render is computed. - "human": The environment is continuously rendered in the current display or terminal, usually for human consumption. This rendering should occur during step() and render() doesn’t need to be called. Returns None. - "rgb_array": Return a single frame representing the current state of the environment. A frame is a np.ndarray with shape (x, y, 3) representing RGB values for an x-by-y pixel image. - "ansi": Return a strings (str) or StringIO.StringIO containing a terminal-style text representation for each time step. The text can include newlines and ANSI escape sequences (e.g. for colors). - "rgb_array_list" and "ansi_list": List based version of render modes are possible (except Human) through the wrapper, gymnasium.wrappers.RenderCollection that is automatically applied during gymnasium.make(...,render_mode="rgb_array_list"). The frames collected are popped after render() is called or reset(). :param maze_width: The width of the maze. :param maze_height: The height of the maze. :raises ValueError: If the width or height of the maze is not odd. """ if maze_width % 2 == 0 or maze_height % 2 == 0: raise ValueError("width/height of maze should be odd") self.maze_width = maze_width self.maze_height = maze_height def _generate_maze(): """ Generates a random internal maze configuration. :return: A tuple containing the maze configuration, agent location, and target location. :rtype: tuple """ # generate internal maze( other than outside wall area) generator = WilsonMazeGenerator(maze_height - 2, maze_width - 2) generator.generate_maze() maze_config = np.ones((maze_height, maze_width), dtype=int) # fill maze by skipping outside walls maze_config[1:-1, 1:-1] = 1 - np.array(generator.grid) agent_location, target_location = self.np_random.choice( [ ([1, 1], [maze_config.shape[0] - 2, maze_config.shape[1] - 2]), ([maze_config.shape[0] - 2, maze_config.shape[1] - 2], [1, 1]), ([maze_config.shape[0] - 2, 1], [1, maze_config.shape[1] - 2]), ([1, maze_config.shape[1] - 2], [maze_config.shape[0] - 2, 1]), ] ) return maze_config, agent_location, target_location MazeEnv.__init__( self, render_mode=render_mode, generate_maze_fn=_generate_maze, maze_width=maze_width, maze_height=maze_height, )